Golden Coconut Noodles with Veggies

Golden Coconut Noodles with Veggies

These Golden Coconut Noodles with veggies are a hearty, satisfying meal that comes together in a pinch! With Brooklyn Delhi’s Golden Coconut Curry Simmer Sauce and a touch of Tomato Achaar on top, it’s the perfect blend of comforting and vibrant.

Serves 4


mild-flavored oil such as sunflower

1 lb chopped veggies of choice (i.e. carrots, baby bok choy, or other leafy greens)

salt, to taste

1 jar Golden Coconut Curry

1 cup coconut milk

8 ounces noodles of choice (such as rice, soba, or ramen)

lime, for garnish

cilantro, for garnish

mint leaves, for garnish 

Tomato Achaar


In a large non-stick or well-seasoned wok, heat a one tablespoon of oil over medium-high heat. Add sliced carrots, baby bok choy (or any other leafy green), and salt. Sauté the vegetables until they are crisp-tender, about 5-7 minutes.

Once the veggies are cooked, add the Golden Coconut Curry simmer sauce and coconut milk to the wok and heat through. 

While the curry is simmering, cook the noodles according to the package instructions. Drain, rinse with cool water to prevent sticking, and toss with a bit of oil.

To serve, place a nest of noodles in a bowl and top with the coconut curry soup. Add a squeeze of lime, garnish with cilantro and mint leaves, and finish with a dollop of Tomato Achaar for an extra flavor boost and heat.